Fill out and submit the below form with the contact information of a company you know of that would be interested in our services. We will contact the provided company to confirm their interest. Once the verification process has been completed, you will receive a $100 Gift Card via mail within 2 weeks of Referral Verification.
You can also give the referral our contact information if they would like to reach out directly; just make sure they know to give us your name as the referral!
You must be a customer in good standing to participate in the DIS Customer Referral Program.
You can refer any business within 100 miles from Lakeland, FL that is not currently a customer of Data Integrity Services. All Referrals will be validated to confirm the Referred party’s interest.
No one enjoys receiving spam. To that end, we ask that you only refer a business that is in need of or searching for a managed IT solution. Anyone caught abusing the system will be suspended from the program indefinitely and will not receive further rewards.
Residential consumers do not qualify as Customer Referrals.
For each verified Referral (ie. a contact for the business confirms they know you and are interested in the services we provide), you will receive a $100 Gift Card as a thank you.
Once the referral is verified, you will receive your Gift Card via mail within 2 weeks of verification.
No, we cannot retroactively grant a Referral Bonus to referrals provided before the program was launched on 8/14/2020.
We are currently accepting a maximum of four Customer Referrals per person per month at this time.
Please contact us with any questions you might have.